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Sunday, November 05, 2006

What's going on

Hey y'all. What a whirlwind the last few days have been, with it only getting to be even more like a whirlwind by the end of the month.....hopefully.....if all goes like it should.
First, let me tell you what I've been crocheting, then I'll get to the other part. I've been doing a ripple blanket in blues with a Q hook and 3 strands of RH yarn, for my DS Matt. I ran out of yarn at 8 'blocks' of color and I need 14 'blocks' so I'll have to go yarn shopping.........what a So, not wanting to be with a project I decided to try the 'Color-Bay Blanket' out of the Stitch 'n Bitch book. I'm not using the exact colors that were used in the book because they're too girly for a boy, but I think he'll like the pattern.
Hmmmmmmm, as I've been typing this I've been thinking about what I would type next and I've decided to wait. Everything is not finalized yet so I'll wait until it is before I fill you in. I will say this though, or rather as this of you if you are reading this.......... say a prayer, think a nice thought, whatever it is that you do, for me and my family that all turns out well.
Thanks so much, it means the world to me.

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