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Friday, December 07, 2007

Caution: long post ahead

Geesh, I had no idea it had been this long since my last post.

I've put up my Christmas tree, had Thanksgiving dinner, crocheted a whole bunch....phew...ok, now for the updates........

Here is a picture of my boys putting the star on top of the Christmas tree. It was just too cute. One of those times when I took a mental picture as well as a digital one so it would stay in my mind forever!

The cat really liked the tree too.......too much......

I just had to take a picture of my turned out so good this year. And it was so yummy! And if you look closely at the other one you can see a happy face in the stuffing....Matt thought it would be funny......

Earlier this week we went to the high school for an 'Honor Role Banquet' that Samantha received a certificate at. I'm so proud of her.
The night went beautifully, including a speech made by the Superintendant that actually made me cry. It was about how we have to enjoy our children and even though some things they might ask us to do for them, like tie a shoe (or straighten hair as is my case with Sam) that we will miss it so much when it's gone and they're not at home with us anymore. I tell ya, it brings a tear to my eye right now. I'm going to be a basket case when she goes off to college next year!!

These are not great pics but..........

Let's mom had hip replacement surgery on Dec 4th and came through with flying colors. My dad has called me every day to let me know how she's doing (I don't think I've ever talked so much to my dad on the phone before!). Yesterday she even put all her weight on her leg when she was up walking and while her incision was sore, her hip was not. It has literally been at least 15 years since she's had no pain in her hip. Amazing. There'll be no stopping her now!!

One last note before I go.........GO SENS GO!! Tonight is the BIG hockey game! I finally get to go see my Ottawa Senators play!! Ironic that I had to move to Texas to see them huh? I'm so excited...we have a great seats....10 rows from the ice!!! Don't worry, I'm bringing my camera and I'll tell you all about it tomorrow!!!!
Have a good one ................

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