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Attach a photo of one of your current holiday displays:
1. Egg Nog, Mulled Cider, or Hot Chocolate?
Egg Nog, fresh on Christmas morning, made by my father!!! It's a tradition.
2. Does Santa wrap presents or just set them under the tree?
Always wrapped3. Do you decorate the outside of your home with lights? Any other displays?
Are you kidding?? Inside, outside, displays inside, displays outside.........gotta love it!!4. Poinsettias, Holly or Mistletoe?
Pointsettias and Mistletoe5. When do you put up your decorations?
I put up my outside decorations (usually) the weekend right before Thanksgiving and then the inside gets done the beginning of December.6. Do you prefer to give or receive?
Ok, let's be honest.....as mother's when we say 'no, don't get me anything, spend the money on yourself'...it really means, I bought a load of stuff for you, you'd better get me something nice too or you'll never hear the end of it. However.... I do enjoy giving something to someone that I know they are going to love. It makes my holiday!!7. Cut tree, live tree, artificial tree, or Festivus pole?
I much prefer a cut tree but dh is scared of them so we have a very nice artificial tree.
8. Have you ever made a gingerbread house?
Every year!9. Do you display a nativity scene?
No, it's not something I've ever done
10.When did you learn the truth about Santa?
What truth???11. Snow! Love it or dread it?
I lived in Canada for the first 34 years of my life I grew to resent snow, except on Christmas Eve. I do miss it on Christmas Eve but beyond that..........dread it!!
12. Can you ice skate?
I learned when I was a kid13. Do you open your gifts on Christmas Eve or Christmas Morning?
My kids exchange their gifts from each other on Christmas Eve. Also my mother (Grammy) always allows them to open one gift with is always pj's and something for them to do. They love it!
14. What is the most important thing about the holidays for you?
Being with my family. After moving to Texas in 2003 I only get to see them a couple of times a year, when I used to go over every Sunday for dinner. So being with them when they come down (they're on their way as I type this!!) is the best part for me.15. What is your favorite holiday cookie?
Sugar cookies
16. What tops your tree?
A star
17. What is your favorite Christmas song?
Goodness, there are so many. So this is Christmas by John Lennon is an alltime fave though!18. What is your favorite Christmas movie or story?
Has to be, without an ounce of a doubt....It's a Wonderful Life!! It's not Christmas until I watch it!19. Candy Canes! Yuck or Yum? If Yum, how do you eat them?
Just like them for decoration on the tree......other than that..yuck!
20. Do you send Christmas cards? If yes, do you enclose a letter or picture?
I try to send cards but don't always succeed. My cards are usually have family Christmas cards made so I guess that counts as a picture. I enclose a letter in some.21. What kind of lights do you decorate your Christmas tree with? White lights, or another solid color, multi colored, candles, or a novelty light such as bubble lights?
My tree is prelit with clear lights but I do prefer colored lights.22. Favorite Christmas memory as a child?
I don't have one in particular because they were all great. I aways enjoyed going to my grandparents house where all of my mother's brothers and sisters came with their spouses and children......a big, full house of love!!
23. Best present that you have received?
This may sound rather corny....my mother bought me this. A small wrapped up box (very small, smaller than a ring box) and it had a tag on it saying something along the lines of, 'you can never unwrap this gift but every time you need a hug, know there is one in here for you from me'....or something like that. Seh bought it at the dollar store......which she found funny.
24. Turkey, Ham, Seafood, or Soup for your holiday dinner?
Has got to be, without a doubt, turkey on Christmas Day.25. Describe your favorite Christmas ornament.
I made, using Cross Stitch, a few ornaments for my grandmother in years past. When she died they all came back to me. One says 'Holidays are a time for family' and that's my favorite.