Iwas tagged by
Sonia (Sallenlouisetx)THE RULES: Each player of this game starts with the 6 weird things about you. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says you are tagged in their comments and tell them to read your blog.
Ok, now to my 6 wierd things......
1. I talk 'Texadian'. My family thinks I talk Texan and my 'Texans' think I have a Canadian accent. My son coined the phrase 'Texadian' just for me.
2. I like to dip my pizza in Ranch dressing. Is that wierd?
3. I believe in ghosts and spirits. I swear I've heard and felt them in the past.
4. I don't own a pair of socks. Now, I don't think that's wierd but my hubby does. I don't like to wear anything but sandals or slip-ons, so why bother with socks?
5. I never the house without my camera. You just never know when a Kodak moment is going to happen.
6. I don't like to talk about things going wrong in the world because I'm afriad if I say it out loud then it will happen but if I don't talk about it, all will be fine. Yes, I know that's odd, naive, whatever, but it works my world.....*wink*
Okay...I am going to tag...
JazzRizzJayeJodi Trish KariKathy