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Tuesday, March 27, 2007

What a day...finally up and at 'em

I got a great package from my secret pal at Crochetville today. She even included some things for my 'furbabies' which I thought was very sweet. It was such a nice surprise.

I actually had to get up and get dressed in real people clothes today, put makeup on and do something with my hair...geesh. My youngest son had Open House at his school so I had to try to look human. Barely accomplished it and by the time we were done at the scholl my legs felt like spaghetti. It was rough.
But on the way home, I saw this on the side of the road by some railroad tracks and just had to get out and snap a few pictures. Spring is my absolute favorite time of the year here in Texas because of the beautiful sights along the roads in the fields. I just love Bluebonnets. I saw Indian Paintbrush too but didn't take any pics of them.

One more thing...... this is new addition to our family. Her name is Belle and she is a calico. Just too cute!! I love her already.


NewLifestyle said...

I am so glad to see you back in here girl. Glad you are on the mend.
Those wild flowers are beautiful. Some that we have grow wild here that I think are so pretty are the black eyed susan. They look like yellow daisy's with brown centers.
Miss Belle sure is a cutie pie. Where did you get her? You are as bad as me when it comes to critters, lol

NewLifestyle said...

Oh yea, I got so carried away with those beautiful flowers and the kitty that I forgot to say.......
you got some mighty nice goodies there. I am gonna have to get in on one of the SP swaps.....I never have done one before and I think that it would be fun :)

Kiel said...

Glad to hear you are starting to feel better. What a yucky bug! :p I saw my first bluebonnets of the season today too! They must have just opened up everywhere overnight. The rain probably helped, too! I do hafta say I'm so jealous of your new baby! I love calicos soooo much!

Wanda Kay said...

Belle is just adorable, I know the family is spoiling her rotten.

What a great package to receive in the mail, you have lots of goodies there.

L. said...

What a great package from your pal at the 'Ville'. Belle is adorable.